BEE-CAUSE Pollinators Feed the World

The 2022-2024 Project in Common is “BEE-CAUSE Pollinators Feed the World”, an international project.  It is a project designed to inform people about all kinds of pollinators and promote the importance of pollinators of all kinds.  The collection of funds generated through this project are to go to a number of bee-keeping organizations and international aid societies that promote pollinator and animal production. This project was designed to support Resolution #16 Pollinator Protection as well as resolutions supporting healthy eating, environment, and local, national, and international farming practices. 

Associated Country Women of the World 2019-2022
Be it resolved that ACWW societies and members urge their governments and research institutes to continue to identify and reduce specific drivers of insect pollinator decline, develop agricultural pollinator-friendly practices, and promote greater public awareness of the role of insect pollination in global food production.

Check out the 2023 BEE-CAUSE Reports to see what we have accomplished this year.

7 Things You Can Do For Pollinators
BEE-CAUSE Pollinators Feed The World Brochure
BEE-CAUSE Report Form
Bee Identification Guide
Honey Bees Sweeten a Family’s Financial Future
Nutrient Profile of Honey
Pardon the Weeds
Pollination Fast Facts Educators Students
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Pollinator Friendly Cooking
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Pollinator Poster